Saturday, March 22, 2008


Reflections: Easter gives us hope

Because Jesus was not claimed by death, not left in Hell, we also can escape death, and the awful feeling that we've done too many bad things, that there's no way things can now turn out good for us. In a word, Easter gives us hope.

We can fly like a beautiful eagle or a peaceful dove, arching high over the confines of life and our own selves. We can leave behind the torture of our own failures, our own inadequacies, all that's within us that holds us back. We can soar into the dreams of our hearts, making reality out of what some call illusion. We can aim for Heaven's goals and, with God's help, make it to heights unknown.

Because of Easter, the hope of man is no longer limited to the realm of human possibility. Jesus died and then rose from the dead, so anything that He can do is now possible for us, too. We only have to look into His eyes and believe, and the miracle of Easter can be ours too. --Karen Bradford

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Two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ was hung on a cross until He was dead, and then buried in another man's tomb. After three days He rose from the dead and was seen by many of His followers. We celebrate Easter because it is…

when Jesus conquered death and the grave,

the fulfillment of Jesus' love for humanity, and

not the end, but the beginning.

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The miracle of Easter is that because Jesus didn't remain in the grave, we don't have to either! We don't have to suffer death, the payment for our sins in Hell, or eternal separation from God. He took that payment for us, and then rose in new life! And His new life can be inside us, giving us hope and peace, as we are filled with His love. He arose! And we were also born anew. Hallelujah! --David Brandt Berg

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